Why Sell to CyberOptik?

Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago, Illinois.

We're Local

While we work with businesses all over the United States, we focus on Chicagoland. We don’t meet with clients often but they like knowing we’re nearby.

A group of people discussing how to sell their WordPress business.

Smooth Process

We want to make the experience of selling and transitioning your business as smooth as possible for both you and your team.

A group of colleagues holding hands in an office, discussing how to sell their WordPress business.

Polished Onboarding

CyberOptik has spent over a decade perfecting our onboard process, so we can efficiently onboard your clients and their websites.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of businesses do you want to acquire?

Our main focus are small care plan businesses or agencies with a portfolio of websites that they built and host/care for.

What kind of information will I need to provide?

Take a look at our guide on How To Sell Your WordPress Agency, to start. Initially, we would need general numbers about your business. How many websites, what types of services, do you have a general geographic region your clients are located, how much revenue/profit. From there, if it sounds like it could be a fit, we’d both sign an NDA and we would need to dive deeper ‘behind the scenes’ of your business, to make sure all of the information provided is accurate, and to ensure the overall health of the business.

I’m not ready yet, but can we still chat?

Sure. If you’re not yet ready to sell but you may want to have someone lined up for when you are ready, it still makes for us to chat and see if we’d be a good fit for each other.

Let’s chat!

We’d love to connect with you about the possibility of acquiring your book of business.